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Monday, September 18, 2006

Say Hello and Goodbye to the Epaulette Shark

Yesterday, scientists found over fifty new marine species off the coast of Indonesia. One of those fifty species is an epaulette shark that walks on its fins. So, grab your mask and snokel and go and introduce yourself. Don't forget to say goodbye...

"Scientists combing through undersea fauna off Indonesia's Papua province said Monday they had discovered dozens of new species, including a shark that walks on its fins and a shrimp that looks like a praying mantis.

"The team from U.S.-based Conservation International also warned that the area _ known as Bird's Head Seascape _ is under danger from fishermen who use dynamite and cyanide to net their catches and called on Indonesia's government to do more to protect it."


If the bang and the poison don't get them (just consider the implications of fishing with cyanide for a moment), then Russian space junk may just finish them off.



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