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Monday, March 27, 2006

V for Vomit

V for Vendetta was pretty bad. Like I had thought, I found it to be corny and somewhat pretenious. A guy in a mask quoting Shakesphere was particularly grating.

Politically, the only message I got was that fascist regimes are bad and should be struggled against. Wahoo.

Still, it was amusing to see Emma Goldman's famous quote about revolutions and dancing paraphrased in a Hollywood movie. The original quote is below:

If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution.

For more Emma Goldman quotes, go here.



  • A pity, the graphic novel is excellent. But yet again Hollywood just don't get graphic novels. The only directory to come close is Rodriquez. I think he did a good job with Sin City.

    Well done on 1d btw.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 10:23 am  

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